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March 21, 2010


Hey Heather! I was surprised to see you pop up in my feeds. Sorry to hear about the job loss. I hope you are otherwise doing well.

Great to hear from you! I'm sorry that things are not going as you planned. I'm hoping with the door closing in one area of your life that another will open that will be full of unexpected blessings and happiness. *big hug* I love the pictures...the girls have gotten so big! :)

Don't worry, I think your loyal readership is still here (although I no longer maintain my own blog).

Sorry to hear about the job loss, however you've got the right things planned... catch up with the house, knit something! First and foremost... relax.

Hi there! Yup we're here! Glad to see you and the girls are doing fine, well you know despite the job and school situation. Hoping all gets better soon! Take care!

oh.. That's quite not a good news. I hope you find a job soon.. Just pray and everything will be alright.. Public school don't seem to be real bad? As long as you are always there for the kids to guide them, nothing bad will happen.. :) Just pray.. Hoping you guys all the best.. God Bless!

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